Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

CUJ: Local Energy Production For Local Energy Consumption

Resolution to aim for a clean break with nuclear power generation – We request a conversion of Japan’s energy policy

Nuclear power generation leads to radiation poisoning at every level: from the workers involved in uranium mining for the fuel used in nuclear reactors to the final disposal of high-level nuclear waste known in Japanese as shi no hai, “ash of death” or “lethal ash.” Human life and the natural environment are at risk and it is clear that we do not need nuclear power generation that pushes this “ash of death” to the children of future generations.

We, who value human life and the natural environment, must insist that nuclear reactors and other related facilities such as reprocessing plants will not be constructed anywhere. The earthquake-prone islands of Japan are particularly unsuitable for such construction.

Around the world, people are carefully watching plutonium reprocessing efforts related to nuclear fuel. Japan’s resumption of the Monju reactor in Fukui prefecture has contributed to increasing global anxiety.

Nuclear power is promoted as an answer to the problem of climate change. However, the reality is increased electricity consumption, for example by private homes using more electrical gadgets and night-time use of electrical power. This is due to the fact that nuclear power generation is not effectively adjusted to the power demand of society. Moreover, the future of truly clean energy has been stifled by a lack of funds for energy conservation and renewable energy.

The Basic Energy Plan was amended in March, 2010 to include numerical targets and international development of nuclear power, stating that Japan will work on the construction of new nuclear power generators and expansion of existing facilities, as well as on the early establishment of a nuclear fuel cycle. This also involves trying to adopt “innovative” energy technologies, such as next generation light-water nuclear reactors, fast breeder reactors and FBR closed fuel cycle technology by the end of this fiscal year (March 31, 2011).

Furthermore, the Parliament is discussing the Basic Law for Prevention of Global Warming as submitted by Japan’s government, which also relies on the use of nuclear power. We note that Japan’s government is involved with the business sector in frantic sales promotion of nuclear power plants to foreign countries.

We hereby resolve to request a diversified and rich energy policy with local energy production for local consumption under the slogan of “a vigorous and healthy life connected to the future” instead of the current national policy that promotes nuclear power plants and nuclear power generation.

Resolution adopted by the participants at the 37th general meeting of Consumers Union of Japan

June 6, 2010

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