Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

Japan Resources – 182

Please click here for our latest English newsletter: JR 182

Special focus on Food Systems


From the Editors: Much Ado about Food Systems

Comments on Japan’s Green Food System Strategy, from Consumers Union of Japan, and from the No! GMO Campaign – and learn more about why we find the government’s proposals preposterous and outrageous, and out of touch with reality…

Background Notes on Japan’s Green Food System Strategy

Global People’s Summit on Food Systems — Against the UN Food System Summit

In the News: Fragrance Pollution

Campaign to Reduce the Use of Plastics


From the Editors:

Much Ado about Food Systems

Welcome to issue No. 182 of Consumers Union of Japan’s English newsletter. This time, the special theme is to share insights about the current debate about food systems, and our response to the Japanese government. We will hold a seminar on 18 September about the controversial FAO Food System Summit. What is behind the focus on “food systems” rather than food safety or the right to food, and what does it all mean for consumers?

We hope you will stay updated with CUJ’s activities, including campaigns against artificial fragrances and plastic waste, here on our English website and on CUJ’s new English Twitter account.
