Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

Japan Resources No 157

CUJ JR 157 (pdf) Japan Resources No 157

We have had a busy fall going into winter, and still some snow this morning here in Nishi-Waseda, Tokyo. Lots of political changes too, while we continue our focus on energy issues and food safety.

Feel free to download the pdf file of Japan Resources No 157 and print it for your library.

– Editors

Do Not Approve GM Salmon!
BSE In Brazil
After the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: The Roles of Consumers and Farmers
Proposal for a Basic Law to Abandon Nuclear Power!
Highlights from the Negotiations in Hyderabad about Biological Diversity
Stop TPP Action/Occupy Monsanto
Protect Biodiversity from GMOs: Hyderabad MOP6 Meeting

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